Can I afford AFFF representation?

Since most law firms taking up AFFF exposure cases work on a contingency fee basis, civilian and military firefighters injured by using the fire suppressant can afford representation.

Working on a contingency fee basis means that your attorney will not request any money unless they obtain financial compensation for you, in which case they will keep a percentage of it in exchange for their legal services.

As opposed to a fixed hourly fee, in a contingent fee arrangement, the attorney receives a part of the monetary amount their client obtains when they win or settle a case.

Therefore, if you are or were a civilian or military firefighter struggling with a disease related to AFFF exposure, we strongly encourage you to seek legal assistance, as it is free of charge. Still, to make sure you are eligible to file a claim, you should first contact us, as our team of experts has the necessary experience, resources, and knowledge to help you determine whether you are entitled to compensation for your AFFF exposure case. The process is very simple and will take place over the phone with minimal involvement on your part.

File your AFFF exposure claim with the assistance of our expert team

With over 35 years of experience in evaluating toxic exposure and personal injury claims, Atraxia Law is ready to offer you quality assistance if you are a civilian or military firefighter injured by AFFF exposure on the job. The only documents we will request to assess your case are your employment or military records and your medical records. If we determine that you are eligible, we will put you in touch with a specialized attorney.