What does it cost to hire a PFAS attorney?

If you are a toxic exposure victim, hiring a PFAS attorney should not cost you anything, as most reputable law firms that take up these cases work on a contingency fee basis.

This means that you will not be required to pay your attorney unless they obtain financial compensation for you, in which case they will keep a percentage of it in exchange for their legal services.

Your claim evaluation should also be free, as you are entitled to learn about your rights as a toxic exposure victim at no cost.

Working on a contingency fee basis entails a fee arrangement in which the attorney agrees that the legal fees payment will be contingent upon the successful outcome of your case. Still, before looking for a toxic exposure attorney, we encourage you to contact our team of experts, who will gladly evaluate your case to determine whether you are entitled to compensation for your injury. All the attorneys we collaborate with have toxic exposure and PFAS exposure as their main practice areas, and they also work on a contingency fee basis.

Atraxia Law can help you determine whether you are eligible to file a PFAS exposure claim

As a veteran or family member whose health was compromised due to toxic exposure on military bases, you have the right to seek financial compensation from the liable parties. If you are in this unfortunate situation, you should give Atraxia Law a call, as we can evaluate your case to determine whether you are eligible to file a PFAS exposure claim. Eligible individuals will immediately be put in touch with a reputable, experienced attorney.