Does firefighting gear contain PFAS?

Yes. PFAS are used as a durable water-repellent finish/coating applied to offer water and oil repellency in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association's 1971 Standards.

They are one of the main components of the moisture barrier in firefighting gear.

Nevertheless, because PFAS exposure can result in many crippling diseases, including cancer, in the summer of 2022, the International Association of Fire Fighters and the Metro Chiefs joined forces to:

The presence of PFAS in turnout gear poses an unreasonable and unnecessary occupational health threat to civilian and military firefighters. Over time, as the turnout gear wears out, it can release PFAS, which firefighters can easily inhale. Researchers targeted 53 PFAS within 20 textiles used to manufacture the different layers of firefighting gear. They identified and quantified the concentrations of 26 different PFAS lurking in turnout gear.

Researchers found the lowest concentration of PFAS in the layer closest to firefighters' skin, which may correspond to water repellency being a lower priority for this layer than the other two. On the other hand, the moisture barrier and the outer shell contained PFAS concentrations up to 400 times higher, although those numbers varied widely from fabric to fabric.

Quality assistance for civilian and military firefighters injured by AFFF exposure

With over 35 years of experience in evaluating toxic exposure claims, our expert team will gladly help you find out if you are eligible to file a claim for AFFF exposure. To have your case evaluated, you will only have to send us your employment or military records and your medical records. If we determine that you are entitled to compensation, we will recommend you a top-notch, specialized attorney so you can have your claim filed immediately.