What are the eligibility criteria for filing an NEC in newborns claim?

In the unfortunate event that your baby passed away from necrotizing enterocolitis, you might be eligible to file a claim and obtain financial compensation from the manufacturers of the formula they were fed in the hospital. However, there are a series of eligibility requirements your case must meet to become entitled to compensation. Not all parents whose children died of necrotizing enterocolitis are eligible to file an NEC in newborns claim. The following are the eligibility criteria for these cases:

If your situation meets the above criteria, you might be eligible to file an NEC in newborns claim. With over 35 years of experience in evaluating personal injury claims, our team of professionals will gladly assess your case to determine whether you are entitled to financial compensation. The process is simple and requires minimal involvement from you, as we understand how painful losing a baby can be.

File your NEC in newborns claim with our expert assistance

If you lost your baby to necrotizing enterocolitis or the health complications it caused, do not hesitate to contact Atraxia Law, as we have the necessary experience, resources, skills, and knowledge to help you find out whether you are entitled to compensation from the responsible baby formula manufacturers. Eligible parents will be put in touch with a reliable, specialized attorney who can handle their claims as soon as possible.