How much exposure to AFFF causes cancer?

While exposure to AFFF has a strong association with cancer, it is nearly impossible to know for how long a civilian or military firefighter must use the fire suppressant to develop cancer.

This is because there are many factors that can increase or decrease the risk of coming to struggle with cancer as a consequence of AFFF exposure, such as whether the individual has a family history of cancer.

Usually, a firefighter must have been exposed regularly to AFFF for several years to develop cancer, but not all firefighters who have used the fire suppressant for this long will develop a malignant disease.

The risk of developing cancer also depends on the amount of PFAS the firefighter was exposed to, as some AFFF formulations contain up to 98% of these harmful chemicals. Studies found that PFAS settle mainly in the blood, kidneys, and liver. Still, it is important to note that even low-dose exposure to PFAS from AFFF can result in cancer if the individual has poor overall health and a genetic predisposition to cancer.

Therefore, while there is no way you can tell whether or when a firefighter who uses AFFF will develop cancer, there are some risk factors that can significantly contribute to the development of a malignant disease.

Quality assistance for civilian and military firefighters exposed to AFFF

Atraxia Law has been evaluating toxic exposure claims for over 35 years, so we have what it takes to offer you the assistance you are looking for if you are a civilian or military firefighter injured by AFFF exposure. To have your case reviewed, you only have to send our team of experts your employment or military records and your medical records. Eligible individuals will be put in touch with a reputable, specialized attorney.