Is Parkinson’s included as a presumptive disease?

When evaluating the relevant service connection of a Parkinson's diagnosis, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) makes a definite distinction between presumptive causes and non-presumptive links more likely to lead to its development.

Presumptive diseases recognized by the VA are exempt from the standard requirements regarding service connection.

A Parkinson's diagnosis resulting from toxic exposure during active military service entitles veterans to monthly disability benefits proportional to their level of impairment.

These presumptions usually apply in cases of toxic exposure, when veterans have been stationed or have been active in areas where toxins are known to have been present.

The VA automatically considers that presumptive diseases like Parkinson's result from exposure to acknowledged toxic substances, meaning that veterans only have to prove their presence in specific locations during particular periods to qualify, including:

Veterans may still qualify for service connection even if their exposure doesn't result from presumptive causes. Without a presumption, individuals have to provide supplementary proof linking their Parkinson's diagnosis to toxic exposure during service.

Most notably, veterans that can demonstrate prolonged exposure to toxic herbicides may be eligible for VA benefits. Other non-presumptive causes of Parkinson's diagnosis include burn pit exposure and traumatic brain injuries.

Our expert team can efficiently help you file a paraquat claim

Atraxia Law has successfully represented clients' interests for over 35 years, gaining valuable expertise in evaluating toxic exposure claims. We are prepared to assess your situation and tell you if your ongoing struggle qualifies you for financial compensation. Filing a toxic exposure claim can be time-consuming, and we aim to keep your involvement to a minimum. We only request evidence of paraquat exposure and a valid Parkinson's disease diagnosis.