Are there other health risks associated with paraquat use?

Paraquat poisoning has the unfortunate potential to cause fatalities as well as several adverse health effects over the short term and over the long term, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

As increasingly more studies reflect a concerning correlation between exposure to paraquat and developing Parkinson’s disease, individuals using this toxic chemical should be aware of the additional health risks that it entails.

Depending on the manner, duration, and amount of paraquat that an individual has been exposed to or ingested, they can expect to experience a number of adverse reactions ranging from a few hours to several weeks from the initial contamination:

Merely presenting these symptoms does not automatically imply paraquat poisoning, however immediate medical attention is crucial to prevent further harm. It is important to note that ingesting a large amount of paraquat will likely result in a fatality, as there is currently no available antidote.

Even though such adverse health effects are a grave concern that should be addressed immediately, they do not qualify for financial compensation from the liable manufacturers in the same way that demonstrable prolonged exposure to paraquat and a Parkinson’s diagnosis does.

File a paraquat claim with the help of our team of experts

Atraxia Law has been faithfully representing clients’ interests in personal injury, product liability, and toxic exposure claims for more than 35 years.

Providing us with a definitive Parkinson’s diagnosis and proof of prolonged exposure to paraquat will allow us to better evaluate the eligibility of your paraquat exposure claim and decide upon the best course of action to secure the financial compensation that you are entitled to receive.