Does a paraquat class action lawsuit exist?

Multiple medical studies have linked paraquat to the early onset and development of Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative condition that severely impacts those afflicted by it.

Due to the lack of more stringent regulations pertaining to the safe use of paraquat, manufacturers have nevertheless continued commercializing products with very little, if any, warning of the potential risk factors involved.

This has prompted a number of lawsuits to be filed with the liable manufacturers. In light of the ever-increasing number of individuals that are filing claims with paraquat manufacturers, there are currently several ongoing class action lawsuits directed at companies that manufacture products containing the substance.

The principal reason why individuals are filing such claims is the fact that most manufacturers were aware of the correlation between their products and the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease and yet have not taken sufficient measures to warn their clients about the risks involved with using their products.

With more and more individuals filing claims of toxic exposure to paraquat that led to a Parkinson’s diagnosis, the potential for larger financial settlements is increasing probability. If you or a family member have been exposed to paraquat and have received a similar diagnosis, you may also be eligible for financial compensation from the manufacturers. We encourage you to seek us out sooner rather than later because working with Atraxia Law requires only minimal involvement on your part.

File a paraquat claim with the help of our team of experts

Atraxia Law’s team of experienced legal specialists has been representing clients' interests and achieving exemplary results on their behalf for more than 35 years.

If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s as a result of demonstrable prolonged exposure to or use of paraquat, Atraxia Law will assess the eligibility of your paraquat toxic exposure claim and determine the best course of action.