What should I do if I or a family member was affected by PFAS exposure on a military base?

In addition to seeking medical assistance and receiving treatment for your health problem, you should contact a toxic exposure attorney if you struggle with a disease related to PFAS exposure on military bases.

They have the necessary knowledge and resources to help you file a claim that might result in financial compensation, which you can use to cover the cost of your medical expenses.

If you have a family member injured by PFAS exposure on military bases, you should encourage them to take legal action and file a claim, as the money they can recover can be of tremendous help, especially if they are battling cancer.

However, before looking for a toxic exposure attorney, you should contact Atraxia Law to have your case evaluated. Our expert team has over 35 years of experience in assessing toxic exposure and personal injury claims, so we can tell you with certainty whether you qualify to file a PFAS exposure claim. The process is simple and requires minimal involvement from you, as we understand how overwhelming struggling with a serious disease can be.

Contact Atraxia Law to have your military base toxic exposure claim evaluated

In the unfortunate event that you are a veteran or a family member of one who spent time at a military base with known PFAS contamination and now suffer from a disease, we encourage you to give our expert team a call. We will promptly assess your case to find out whether you are entitled to compensation for your physical and emotional distress. If we deem you eligible, we will recommend you a top-notch attorney who can handle your case.