Where is paraquat used the most?

Paraquat use is the highest in areas with a lot of agriculture, where farms grow everything from fruits and vegetables to textile crops such as cotton. This includes large regions of the Midwest, south, and west in the U.S.

Paraquat is effective for weed control in many agricultural and non-agricultural settings and is also sprayed as a defoliant on textile crops such as cotton before harvest.

The following are some of the areas where paraquat should never be used, as it is highly toxic and could greatly endanger the health of those around:

Because paraquat exposure can be lethal, only certified applicators can use it. They must undergo special training offered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The training provides essential information about the herbicide’s toxicity, new label requirements and restrictions, and the consequences of misuse. Even working under the supervision of a certified applicator is prohibited by law, which includes mixing, loading, and applying paraquat.

File your paraquat exposure claim with the assistance of our expert team

Atraxia Law has over 35 years of experience in evaluating personal injury and product liability claims, so if you worked with paraquat or were otherwise exposed to it and developed Parkinson’s disease, we encourage you to contact us. Following a review of your case, you will find out whether you are entitled to financial compensation. Eligible individuals will be put in touch with a specialized attorney so they can have their claims filed.