Who qualifies for AFFF exposure compensation?

While using AFFF can result in severe environmental contamination, as this fire suppressant contains PFAS, a group of toxic chemicals, only people who used it on the job and now struggle with a related disease are entitled to financial compensation.

Specifically, only civilian and military firefighters can file a claim for AFFF exposure, as they directly worked with the fire suppressant and were inevitably exposed to the PFAS in the product.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that, even if they suffer from a disease related to AFFF exposure, not all firefighters are entitled to financial compensation from the manufacturers, as there are other requirements they must meet, such as:

Determining whether you are eligible to file a claim for AFFF exposure on your own can be a very challenging endeavor, as a proper case evaluation requires specialized knowledge. For this reason, if you are or were a civilian or military firefighter and have a disease that might be related to PFAS exposure from AFFF use, we encourage you to contact our expert team. We will gladly assess your case and let you know if you can file a claim with the liable manufacturers.

Our expert team will thoroughly evaluate your AFFF exposure claim

Atraxia Law has the necessary experience, resources, and knowledge to evaluate toxic exposure claims. We have assisted many civilian and military firefighters in determining whether they were entitled to financial compensation. The only documents we will need to assess your case are your employment or military records and your medical records. If we deem you eligible, we will put you in touch with a specialized attorney.