Toxic hair relaxers: Dark & Lovely

The top-selling Dark & Lovely hair relaxers are produced and marketed by L'Oréal, the international cosmetics giant. The company's chemical hair relaxer kits are mainly used by women of color to flatten and straighten their naturally curly or coily hair.

L'Oréal's Dark & Lovely products were the first no-lye hair straighteners in the 1970s, and today, various types of Dark & Lovely hair relaxer kits are available on the market.

Chemical hair relaxers contain strong chemicals that alter the hair's protein structure and change its natural texture. These hair straightening products must be re-applied regularly - typically 6-8 weeks - as the hair grows out. 

Recently the following chemical hair relaxers have been named in toxic hair relaxer lawsuits:

  • Dark & Lovely Hair Relaxer Triple Nourished Silkening Relaxer No-Lye
  • Dark & Lovely Hair Relaxer Healthy-Gloss 5 Shade Shea Moisture No-Lye Relaxer
  • Dark & Lovely Hair Relaxer No-Lye Conditioning Relaxer System
  • Dark & Lovely Hair Relaxer Healthy-Gloss 5 Moisturizing No-Lye Relaxer with Shea Butter
  • Dark & Lovely Hair Relaxer Superior Moisture Plus No-Lye Relaxer Kit
  • Dark & Lovely Hair Relaxer Moisture Plus No-Lye Relaxer

Chemical hair relaxer linked to hormone-sensitive cancers

Although Dark & Lovely hair relaxers are marketed as safe hair care products, they contain a mix of chemicals that absorb into the scalp when applied to the hair. Women started to sue the cosmetics companies following the recently published studies which highlighted side effects associated with chemical hair relaxers that have been marketed as safe for regular use.

The following studies were published recently and prompted a wave of toxic hair relaxer lawsuits:

According to researchers, the endocrine-disruptor and carcinogenic substances in chemical hair relaxers could potentially increase the risk of hormone-sensitive diseases such as:

Researchers found that the rate of uterine cancer was higher among women who regularly used chemical hair relaxers than those who never used such products. The studies also show that the risk was significantly higher among study participants of Black ethnicity, who have naturally curly hair and use hair relaxers more frequently.

Hair relaxer lawsuits against the Dark & Lovely manufacturer

The first hair relaxer lawsuit against the Dark & Lovely brand's manufacturer was filed in Chicago after the NIH study was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and today the number of toxic hair relaxer lawsuits keeps growing.

Women who sued L'Oréal accuse the cosmetics company of marketing the Dark & Lovely chemical hair relaxers as safe while failing to warn about the health risks of exposure to toxic chemicals in the products.

We can help you file your toxic hair relaxer claim

If you were diagnosed with hormone-sensitive cancers - ovarian and uterine cancer - and used chemical hair relaxer products regularly, contact our firm, as you may be entitled to financial compensation from the liable manufacturer. We know that struggling with cancer is overwhelming, therefore, we do all in our power to ease the legal process for you.

We offer 10 minutes quick case evaluations over the phone and put you in contact with an excellent attorney if you meet the eligibility requirements for a toxic hair relaxer claim.