Toxic hair relaxer: Olive Oil Hair Relaxer

ORS (Organic Root Stimulator) Olive Oil Hair Relaxer, manufactured by the Chicago-based cosmetics company, Namaste, LLC is one of the beauty industry's leading brands of chemical hair relaxers.

The cosmetics company was initially founded in 1996, and since 2010, it’s been a wholly owned subsidiary of Dabur India, Ltd., a large international company.

Many African American women use ORS Olive Oil hair relaxers, typically every eight weeks. Although the ORS hair relaxers have natural ingredients, including herbs and olive oil, these products contain chemicals that dismantle the structure of the hair during the straightening process.

Some of these chemicals are known as carcinogenic and endocrine-disrupting substances.

ORS Olive Oil chemical hair relaxer products:

  • Organic Root Stimulator Org Root Stim Olive Oil Relaxer Normal
  • ORS Olive Oil Built-In Protection Full Application No-Lye Hair Relaxer - Extra Strength Kit
  • Organic Root Stimulator Pro Olive No-Lye Kit, Normal

New studies link hair relaxers to hormone-sensitive cancers

Two groundbreaking studies show evidence that women who regularly use chemical hair relaxing products are at a higher risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancer, particularly Black women who use these products frequently.

While cosmetics companies insist that hair relaxers are safe, these studies show a correlation between hair relaxer use and hormone-sensitive cancers:

Many of these women started to use hair relaxers as children or teenagers. Once chemical hair relaxer use begins in childhood, it often becomes a lifelong habit for hair straightening, increasing the risk of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including:

Toxic hair relaxer claims filed against the manufacturer of ORS hair relaxers

Since the NIH study was published in 2022, hair relaxer lawsuits have been filed against Namaste LLC by women who used their hair relaxers and developed hormone-sensitive cancers such as:

According to the plaintiffs in these hair relaxer lawsuits, cosmetic companies such as Namaste LLC knew or should have known that their products contain chemicals harmful to human health. Despite this, the hair relaxer manufacturers marketed their hair relaxer products as safe, failing to warn about the risks of exposure to endocrine disruptors.

Atraxia Law's team of experts can help you file your claim

We understand the pain and suffering of women dealing with cancer, which is why we are dedicated to easing the legal process for them.

We offer free 10 minutes case evaluations over the phone so they can discuss their case with us and understand more about the eligibility requirements for a toxic hair relaxer claim.

If you have been affected by chemical hair relaxers, call us today or fill out the free case evaluation form.