Can I apply for a Tepezza claim on behalf of a family member?

Filing a personal injury claim, such as a Tepezza claim on behalf of a family member, is possible in two scenarios:

Other cases when a family member can file a personal injury claim include wrongful death and the family member being a minor. Still, Tepezza patients are not part of any of these categories. Tepezza infusion treatment is not approved for children, meaning minors cannot be the subjects of a Tepezza claim.

If you are unsure about being able to file a Tepezza claim on behalf of your family member, contact our team at Atraxia Law. We have extensive experience spanning decades in vetting personal injury cases. We can quickly and effectively determine whether you can file a Tepezza claim on behalf of your loved one, and we will also determine the Tepezza patient's eligibility for a claim.

Filing a Tepezza claim may compensate you for hearing loss or tinnitus damages

Patients treated with Tepezza infusion treatment are people suffering from thyroid eye disease (TED), a rare progressive autoimmune disease associated with the hyperactivity of the thyroid gland, and it is only prescribed to adult patients. Though effective in treating TED, Tepezza may have life-altering adverse effects of proportions unwarned for by the manufacturer. Adverse effects that are significantly more severe and have a higher percentage of occurrence than Horizon Pharmaceuticals warned for and can therefore be the grounds for filing a Tepezza claim are:

These side effects of the Tepezza infusion treatment can alter the patient's way of life and decrease their quality of life. Not being able to perform at work, even losing a job, or not being able to interact normally in society creates debilitating feelings. Still, the situation is only worsened by the financial component of hearing loss or tinnitus.

If you or a loved one in your family received Tepezza infusion treatment and subsequently developed hearing loss or tinnitus, you may be entitled to compensation for associated damages. 

Atraxia Law can help you by determining eligibility in a Tepezza claim

Our team of experts at Atraxia Law has over 35 years of experience, and we can efficiently help you determine your or your family member's eligibility in a Tepezza claim. The initial consultation is a relaxed conversation with one of our case managers, during which we will get familiarized with the details of your case. We will also help you understand what filing a Tepezza claim involves and how legal assistance can help you in your quest.