Has Tepezza been recalled?

No, not yet. Pursuing legal action by filing a Tepezza claim is still an option though. There is a statute of limitations for filing a Tepezza claim and that differs from state to state, but currently, lawyers are still accepting cases throughout the country.

Evidence provided by recent studies shows that Tepezza infusion treatment carries dangerous health risks, risks that the manufacturer of the drug should have warned the public about.

Tepezza claims are presently being filed with regard to hearing loss and tinnitus, as the drug’s manufacturer failed to adequately warn about the high risks of hearing impairment as an adverse effect of Tepezza infusion treatment. Tepezza is a still a relatively new drug, and we keep learning every day about the adverse effects of the drug and its link with auditory complications in patients using it.

Criteria of eligibility for filing a Tepezza claim

Eligibility is a nuanced factor in filing a defective drug claim and you should discuss your options and chances for a successful Tepezza claim with our experienced legal team, but generally speaking, there are two preliminary requirements you should meet:

Our team at Atraxia Law has extensive experience of over 35 years in vetting defective drug claims. We can quickly and efficiently determine whether or not you are eligible to file a Tepezza claim.

How can Atraxia Law help with your Tepezza claim?

We understand that talking to a lawyer can be intimidating and scary. If you contact us, we will help you understand what is involved in filing a Tepezza claim and if you potentially qualify before we pass you on to a Tepezza attorney. Atraxia Law is the first step to see if you qualify for compensation. We have successfully helped individuals who have been involved with challenging personal injuries that have resulted in a cash payout.