How long does it take for a disease caused by asbestos exposure to develop?

Because they have a long latency period, diseases that occur as a consequence of asbestos exposure usually take between 20 and 50 years to develop.

Once you inhale or ingest asbestos fibers, they can easily travel through your bloodstream and lymphatic system to various organs and tissues, where they will gradually cause severe inflammation and scarring. These, in turn, may give way to cancer development.

However, the latency period for diseases caused by asbestos exposure may be shorter or longer depending on the disease in question. Accordingly, these are the latency periods for the most common diseases stemming from asbestos exposure:

It is important to note that asbestosis is not cancer, but a chronic and progressive lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers over a long time. It may take 5 to 20 years before symptoms develop. The inhaled asbestos fibers produce scarring of the lungs. Subsequently, the lungs develop a "honeycomb" appearance. The scar tissue, medically known as fibrosis, is hard and inflexible, making the lungs stiffen and preventing them from working properly.

If you have a history of occupational or military asbestos exposure, we strongly advise you to keep a close eye on your health, as you are at high risk of developing a related disease. Experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or persistent cough should make you seek medical attention as soon as possible. Nevertheless, because misdiagnosis is unfortunately very common among victims of asbestos exposure, it is better to visit multiple medical specialists in order to make sure you have the correct diagnosis.

File your asbestos claim with the assistance of Atraxia Law

Our expert team has over 35 years of experience in evaluating personal injury claims and is ready to help you determine whether you are eligible for compensation if you struggle with cancer caused by asbestos exposure. The only documents we will need from you are your employment or military records and your medical records, which we will thoroughly examine. Eligible individuals will be put in touch with a reliable attorney.