Toxic hair relaxers: Crème of Nature

Crème of Nature chemical hair relaxer brand was created by Revlon and marketed as safe for regular use. The cosmetics company's hair relaxer products dismantle the hair's protein structure and change its natural texture to flatten coily and curly hair. The hair relaxer kits contain emollients to create a layer of protection during the relaxing process and are enriched with natural ingredients, such as argan and coconut oil.

Although the Crème of Nature hair relaxer kits contain certified natural ingredients, they also have a mix of toxic chemicals, such as:

NIH study associates hair relaxer use with uterine cancer

Concerns about the connection between chemical hair relaxer use and hormone-sensitive cancers were raised when the initial results of a National Institutes of Health study were published in 2022. The study found evidence that women using chemical hair relaxers regularly face an increased uterine cancer risk compared to women who never used these hair care products.

After the study's initial results were published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showing a correlation between chemical hair relaxers and higher uterine cancer rates, women filed toxic hair relaxer lawsuits nationwide. The study's results mainly concern Black women who regularly use chemical hair relaxers.

Toxic hair relaxer claims against the manufacturer of Crème of Nature

Revlon markets Crème of Nature hair relaxers as a "revolutionary line of nutrient-enriched shine products" that hydrate and strengthen the hair. However, the company failed to warn consumers about developing severe health problems due to exposure to EDCs. As stated in the report, chemical hair relaxers contain "hazardous chemicals," including those that are endocrine-disruptive and carcinogenic, which could increase hormone-sensitive cancer occurrence such as:

Atraxia Law's experts can help you file a Crème of Nature toxic hair relaxer claim

If you struggle with hormone-sensitive cancers such as ovarian or uterine cancer and use hair relaxers, know there might be a link. We strongly encourage you to contact Atraxia Law for a free case evaluation. With over 35 years of experience assisting victims of toxic exposure, we are ready to determine whether you are eligible to file a toxic hair relaxer claim against Revlon, the manufacturer of the Crème of Nature products.

When you call us, we quickly evaluate your case over the phone, and if we deem you eligible, we will help you contact an attorney specializing in toxic exposure cases.