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Revlon – Toxic hair relaxers

Revlon is one of the world’s best-known cosmetic companies with a wide array of cosmetic products in the beauty and personal care market. The company currently is facing an increasing wave of hair relaxer claims alleging that the chemicals from the beauty company's hair relaxers can increase the development of hormone-sensitive cancers.

In 2022, the cosmetics company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the Southern District of New York before the chemical hair relaxers lawsuit got rolling. Some of the cosmetic company’s products are listed as products in the litigation, including:

A number of consumers contend that they developed cancer, purportedly due to the regular use of Revlon’s chemical hair relaxers. The Creme of Nature promotes chemical hair relaxers enriched with natural ingredients. Still, these products also contain a mix of strong chemicals known as EDCs (endocrine-disruptive chemicals) that dismantle the hair's protein structure to flatten curly or frizzy hair.

The National Institutes of Health unveiled a study that links hair relaxers to uterine cancer

A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health found evidence that there is a possible connection between certain hair relaxers and uterine cancer. Researchers found that consumers who used hair relaxers for several years, at least four times a year, were more than twice as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who never used such hair care products.

The publication of the study’s initial results on October 2022 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute prompted a multitude of product liability lawsuits against Revlon. The plaintiffs in these lawsuits claim that the chemical hair relaxers manufactured and marketed by the company can cause the development of hormone-sensitive severe health conditions such as:

EDCs in Revlon’s chemical hair relaxers

Plaintiffs in toxic hair relaxer lawsuits claim that prolonged use of chemical hair relaxers marketed by Revlon can cause hormone-sensitive cancers in women. The cosmetics company's chemical hair straighteners contain a mix of chemical compounds that interfere with the functioning of the endocrine system and can lead to the development of hormone-sensitive cancers. Some of these toxic chemicals are:

Revlon's bankruptcy protection

Revlon filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection shortly before the hair relaxer litigation started. Still, this does not mean the cosmetic giant will escape liability. In April 2023, the cosmetics company changed its corporate name to Revlon Group Holdings and exited bankruptcy.

The Bankruptcy Court has set the April 11, 2023, deadline for filing proofs of claim. According to a PSC report, the cosmetics company’s potential liability in the hair relaxer class action must be estimated and accounted for in Revlon’s bankruptcy reorganization plan.

How can Atraxia Law help you file a hair relaxer claim against Revlon?

Do you suspect that regular use of Revlon’s chemical hair relaxers caused the development of your ovarian or uterine cancer? Do not hesitate to contact Atraxia Law.

If you used Revlon’s hair relaxers for years and developed uterine or ovarian cancer, you might obtain financial compensation from the liable company. Our team of experts is ready to determine whether you meet the necessary eligibility requirements to file a toxic hair relaxer claim.

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