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Toxic hair relaxers: Soft & Beautiful

The Soft & Beautiful chemical hair relaxers are manufactured by Strength of Nature, a US-based cosmetics company that serves customers worldwide.

The company's chemical hair straighteners contain natural oils such as olive, argan, and coconut oil and are marketed as safe hair care products for regular use, but these products also have a mix of chemicals. Some of these chemical compounds are endocrine disruptors that interfere with the functioning of the endocrine system and can lead to the development of hormone-sensitive cancers.

A decade-long major study conducted by the National Institutes of Health and published in 2022 shows that women frequently using chemical hair relaxers were more than twice as likely to develop hormone-sensitive cancers.  The study's initial results associate the regular use of chemical hair relaxers with higher uterine cancer rates.

Harmful chemicals in Soft & Beautiful hair relaxers

Soft & Beautiful chemical hair relaxers contain emollients to create a layer of protection during the straightening process, but also contain harmful chemicals to dismantle the hair's protein structure and change its natural texture.

Some of the endocrine disruptors detected in hair relaxer products are:

According to a study by National Institutes of Health researchers, these endocrine disruptors could increase the risk of hormone-sensitive health conditions such as uterine cancer. The study's results mainly concern women of color who regularly use chemical hair relaxers.

Toxic hair relaxer lawsuits against Soft & Beautiful

The publishing of the study's initial results prompted toxic hair relaxer lawsuits against Strength of Nature. Plaintiffs in toxic hair relaxer lawsuits claim that the cosmetics company markets the Soft & Beautiful hair relaxer products toward women while failing to warn about the presence of hazardous chemicals in the products.

Lawsuits are being filed by women who have used Soft & Beautiful hair relaxers for years and subsequently developed hormone-sensitive diseases such as:

Quality assistance in filing a toxic hair relaxer claim against the manufacturer of Soft & Beautiful hair relaxers

Have you developed uterine or ovarian cancer and used Soft & Beautiful hair relaxer products regularly before diagnosis? We encourage you to contact Atraxia Law for a 10-minute case evaluation over the phone.

We know that struggling with cancer presents daily difficulties; therefore, we will do all in our power to help you understand what is involved in a toxic hair relaxer claim and ease the legal process by offering quick case evaluations. We will inform you if you meet the preliminary requirements for a claim and put you in touch with an experienced toxic exposure attorney.

Free case evaluation

10 Minutes Over the Phone

*No fees unless compensation is obtained