Asbestosis due to asbestos exposure

How does asbestos exposure cause asbestosis?

As a chronic lung disease that is the consequence of the inhalation of asbestos fibers, asbestosis is responsible for the death of nearly 40,000 people in the United States every year. It is important to know that it usually takes 10 to 40 years for asbestosis to develop, as the asbestos fibers that attach themselves to the lungs gradually cause damage to the tissue of the organs.

As a result of the severe inflammation and scarring that occurs in the lungs following asbestos exposure, asbestosis develops, and the person will experience distressing symptoms such as shortness of breath on a daily basis.

The people who have the highest risk of coming to struggle with asbestosis are former industrial workers and veterans since asbestos was present in tremendous amounts in these settings during the last century.

Quality assistance for people who struggle with asbestos-related cancer

The team of experts at Atraxia Law has over 35 years of experience in evaluating personal injury and product liability claims, including those pertaining to asbestos exposure. We are here to make seeking financial compensation easier for victims of asbestos exposure by carefully assessing their situation so that they eventually know with certainty whether they qualify for filing a claim. If you have asbestosis, unfortunately, you are not eligible to file a claim.