Pneumonitis due to asbestos exposure

How does asbestos exposure lead to pneumonitis?

Pneumonitis is an inflammatory lung condition which is caused by repeated exposure to one or more environmental substances through inhalation. It can also appear as a result of the inflammation produced by asbestos fibers in the lungs.

Asbestos-related conditions are caused by the inhalation of the microscopic asbestos fibers, which accumulate in the lungs, causing irreversible damage over time. Between the 1950s and 1980s, when asbestos use was at its height, employees would work all day in toxic environments, then would return home to their families covered in asbestos dust and unwittingly expose them to the hazardous mineral. Deadly asbestos dust and fibers would often cover workers’ clothes, hair, and skin.

Asbestos-related pulmonary conditions are easy to misdiagnose because their symptoms are similar to other, less severe respiratory conditions. Over time, pneumonitis can cause scarring of the lung tissue, also known as asbestosis. Because extending the life expectancy of a person with asbestosis depends in large part on early detection, it is vital that patients understand their symptoms and seek medical attention as soon as they are detected. In order to obtain an accurate diagnosis, we recommend you seek a second and even third opinion from a doctor with specialized knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of asbestos lung diseases.

File an asbestos claim with the help of Atraxia Law, if you were diagnosed with cancer

If you are a former industrial worker or military veteran whose job exposed you to airborne asbestos fibers over a period of many years, we urge you to see a family physician or specialist immediately, then contact Atraxia Law soon after to start the legal process.

Because we know how devastating an asbestos-related diagnosis can be for patients and their families, we make it our mission to take care of our clients and provide quality legal care that can maximize the benefits they need, so they can focus on what matters most - their health.

For those that are unsure if they have grounds to file a claim, we also offer a 100% free initial case review - which allows potential clients to submit their information to our case managers, who will then review the details and determine if a claim can be filed. We can file a claim on your behalf if you were diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer.