Impaired posture and balance due to paraquat exposure

As a critical component of functional mobility, postural instability is one of the most disabling features of Parkinson’s disease. Impaired posture and balance dysfunctions gradually increase the risk of falls, especially as the disease progresses, affecting the quality of life of people living with Parkinson’s.

Balance control requires active brain processes incorporating information from all levels of the nervous and muscular systems, not only while moving but also while standing still. All Parkinson’s patients eventually suffer from postural instability, a debilitating symptom comprised of:

  • Posture problems - a stooped or tilted posture can further contribute to imbalance.
  • Impaired balance - as one of the primary features of Parkinson’s disease, it refers to the inability to readjust posture after being thrown off balance and increases the risk of falls.

Balance control is established through dynamic management of posture; impaired posture and balance are not typically present in the early stages of Parkinson’s and tend to develop as the disease advances, along with other types of mobility disorders, such as:

  • rigidity affecting biomechanics
  • impaired kinesthesia for sensory integration
  • less automaticity of gait and balance
  • freezing of gait
  • the decline of executive function
  • inflexible motor set

Postural instability and paraquat exposure

As a progressive nervous system disorder, Parkinson’s disease often begins gradually, with symptoms aggravating in time, and can also cause a variety of non-motor symptoms:

  • sensory symptoms (pain and tingling)
  • hyposmia (loss of the sense of smell)
  • sleep alterations
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • abnormal memory-related functions

Postural instability is one of the main motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, emerging in the advanced stages of this condition for which there is no cure. It is caused by damage to the nerve cells that generate deliberate movement and may result from prolonged exposure to paraquat.

This herbicide is so toxic that it cannot be employed in residential areas. It is intended only for agricultural settings, and users must undergo training provided by the Environmental Protection Agency to become certified applicators.

People are most exposed to paraquat when they handle the chemical substance, despite the many necessary precautions they might take, while entire communities around farming areas are also at risk.

Paraquat manufacturers have failed to provide adequate warnings, fully knowing about the health risks involving toxic exposure and thus making them liable for Parkinson’s disease linked to paraquat. It is essential to know that if you experience Parkinson’s symptoms like impaired posture and balance after being exposed to paraquat, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Atraxia Law can help with your paraquat claim

If you received a Parkinson’s diagnosis that you believe resulted from exposure to paraquat products, the experienced team at Atraxia Law helps you establish whether you qualify for filing a toxic exposure claim.

Our experts will carefully assess your circumstances of exposure, as well as the severity of your Parkinson’s diagnosis. The entire process will require minimal involvement on your part, and the outcome will determine your eligibility. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for more information, and we will promptly address all your queries.