Rigid muscles due to paraquat exposure

Rigid muscles in Parkinson’s impair movement and lead to gradual stiffness, causing acute discomfort or pain. Muscles stretch when moving and relax when resting; with rigidity, muscles remain stiff and unable to rest. As one of the early motor symptoms of Parkison’s disease, rigidity can be unilateral – on one side or bilateral – on both sides of the body, typically occurring in the:

  • shoulders
  • arms and legs
  • hips
  • ankles
  • neck
  • trunk

The debilitating effects of this neurodegenerative brain disorder are most likely to be progressive. They aggravate as the illness advances and can severely impact the quality of life; however, not all patients with Parkinson’s disease experience rigidity.

Muscle rigidity may also lead to several other troubles, such as:

  • inflexible muscles
  • muscle cramps and pain
  • difficulty turning over in bed
  • problems getting out of chairs
  • struggles with writing or getting dressed
  • an abnormal, mask-like facial expression
  • issues with balance
  • stooped posture increasing the risk of falls

Rigid muscles and paraquat exposure

Parkinson’s disease generates a loss of dopamine-producing neurons, inducing irregular brain activity and impaired motor function through symptoms that start on one side of the body and eventually affect both sides. Parkinson’s rigidity can be categorized as follows:

  • lead pipe rigidity - muscles feel stuck for extended periods, and any attempt at moving is met with resistance.
  • cogwheel rigidity - similar to muscle spasms, it is a combination of lead-pipe rigidity and tremor, commonly encountered in arm movements (wrist or elbow flexion and extension).

One of the leading causes of rigid muscles and other debilitating health effects is long-term, low-level exposure to paraquat, a restricted-use herbicide employed only by licensed applicators who undergo training required by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Due to its acute toxicity, paraquat is banned in numerous countries, while throughout the U.S., it continues to be heavily used. People who are most at risk of developing Parkinson’s as a result of paraquat exposure are:

  • working directly with the hazardous substance
  • living near areas treated with this chemical

Even with the necessary precautions and safety protective measures, entire farming communities and agricultural workers may have an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

An essential aspect to consider after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s due to paraquat exposure is that you have the right to pursue monetary damages from the liable herbicide manufacturers that failed to issue warnings on the dangers of their products.

File a paraquat exposure claim with the help of Atraxia Law

If you are experiencing symptoms such as rigid muscles, it is vital to consult a medical specialist and receive an accurate diagnosis. The team at Atraxia Law has over 35 years of experience in helping toxic exposure victims determine whether they are eligible to file a claim.

Establishing eligibility can become complex and tedious, so the sooner you reach out to us, the more time we will have to thoroughly analyze the particularities of your case.

Nevertheless, the process will not require your full involvement, as we will handle everything on your behalf. We will only need your medical records and evidence of your paraquat exposure. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any additional information.