What companies manufacture paraquat?

For the last 60 years, paraquat has been widely used throughout the United States mainly because it successfully destroys weeds and grasses that are resistant to glyphosate.

The latter is a toxic herbicide sold under the brand name Roundup in the country. Paraquat is also highly toxic and exposure to it can lead to the development of Parkinson's disease. There are several companies in the U.S. that manufacture paraquat under various brand names.

The most renowned companies are the following:

  • Syngenta
  • Adama Group
  • Altitude Crop Innovations, LLC
  • Drexel Chemical Company
  • United Phosphorous
  • Helm Agro
  • Sinon USA, Inc.
  • Innvictis Crop Care LLC

Similarly, there are many brand names under which the herbicide is sold throughout the country, the majority of which contain nearly 44% of paraquat. Thereby, these products are very dangerous and must be kept away from children, as the risk of poisoning is very high, and even a single sip of paraquat can be fatal, especially in young people. The following are the most popular brand names of paraquat in the United States

It is worthy of note that people who intend to use paraquat are required to undergo special training provided by the Environmental Protection Agency in order to become licensed applicators of this herbicide. This law came into effect in 2017, after the agency thoroughly assessed the dangers of exposure to paraquat.

During the training, those who want to employ paraquat, most of whom are agricultural workers, will learn about the toxicity of paraquat, the new label requirements, restrictions, and the consequences of misuse. While in the past people could use paraquat under the supervision of a certified applicator, this is no longer legal.

Paraquat exposure has a strong causal relation to Parkinson's disease. In fact, those who use this herbicide on a regular basis have a 250% higher chance of developing this disease. If you developed this brain disorder as a result of paraquat exposure, you are eligible for compensation from the liable manufacturers. The team of professionals at Atraxia Law will help you determine whether you or a family member with a history of paraquat exposure qualifies for filing a toxic exposure claim.

File a paraquat claim with the assistance of our expert team

If you are struggling with Parkinson's disease as a consequence of paraquat exposure, we strongly encourage you to contact us. We will evaluate your situation and let you know whether you are eligible for filing a toxic exposure claim.

With over 35 years of experience in evaluating personal injury and product liability claims, our experts will thoroughly assess your circumstances of exposure to paraquat.