Does a compensation claim affect my VA benefits?

No. If you are a Camp Lejeune veteran, you can seek both financial compensation from the government and from the VA.

While the former will provide coverage for your injuries caused by contaminated water at the military base, the latter will come in the form of disability compensation.

However, because the process of filing both a compensation claim and a VA claim is very complex and tedious, it is advisable to contact a toxic exposure attorney to help you with the process. They will take care of the most demanding aspects of the legal process so you can benefit from the compensation you are entitled to as a Camp Lejeune toxic water exposure victim. Furthermore, if you file a compensation claim first, you will have a less difficult time filing a VA claim subsequently.

Because the cost of treatment for most Camp Lejeune veterans injured by contaminated water is very high, it is important to seek compensation both from the government and from the VA so that you can afford the medical care you need.

Atraxia Law can efficiently help you file a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim

With over 35 years of experience in evaluating toxic exposure and personal injury claims, our expert team can help you obtain financial compensation as a veteran injured by drinking contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987. The only documents we will request are your military records and your medical records with your diagnosis. Eligible veterans will be put in touch with a reliable attorney to have their claims filed.