For which health complications can I file a defective hip replacement claim?

Although most hip replacement surgeries go as planned and the patient does not experience any postoperative complications, sometimes, the device used is defective, which can cause a wide range of health problems.

The most common issues with hip replacement implants are design flaws, early implant failure, and migration issues.

It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to properly test these medical devices before making them available for sale. The following are the health complications and situations for which you can file a defective hip replacement claim:

If you underwent hip replacement surgery and the device was defective, you might be eligible to file a claim and obtain financial compensation for your unnecessary pain and suffering from the responsible manufacturer. Our expert team will gladly evaluate your case to determine whether you qualify to file a defective hip replacement claim. The process is very simple and will mostly take place over the phone, as we understand that most people with a failed surgery are in a lot of pain.

Atraxia Law can help you file your defective hip replacement claim

Our team of professionals has over 35 years of experience in reviewing personal injury claims, so we have the necessary knowledge and resources to help you if you had hip replacement surgery with a defective device. If you experienced health complications or problems with the implant, we advise you to contact us, as you might be eligible to file a defective hip replacement claim with the liable manufacturer.