What are the symptoms of a failed hip replacement?

Failure of a hip replacement that requires revision surgery occurs at a rate of approximately 1% per year for the first 15 years.

This means that undergoing hip replacement surgery is a viable alternative to other short-term treatments, as in most cases, the patient will not encounter any issues with their implant.

However, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of defective hip replacement devices on the market, which might result in surgery failure. The following are the symptoms of a failed hip replacement surgery, as well as the signs that the device is defective:

When hip replacement surgery fails, the doctor may recommend that the patient has a second operation to remove some of the parts of the original implant and replace them with new ones. This procedure is known as revision total hip replacement. If you underwent hip replacement surgery and the device used was defective, which resulted in you experiencing health complications or needing revision surgery, we strongly encourage you to contact our team of professionals, as you might be eligible to file a defective hip replacement claim.

Atraxia Law can efficiently help you file your defective hip replacement claim

Our expert team has over 35 years of experience in assessing personal injury claims, so if you had hip replacement surgery with a defective implant, you should give us a call, as you might be entitled to compensation from the responsible manufacturer. The process is simple and will take place over the phone. If we deem you eligible, we will immediately put you in touch with a reputable, top-notch attorney to have your claim filed.